Chakras & Chardonnay
Chakras & Chardonnay is a Well-Being Podcast for Wine Lovers where we explore insights from ancient wisdom teaching to empower our health, liberate ourselves from anxiety and more mindfully enjoy our wine and everything else we consume. Each episode offers a teaching that you can put into action to support your well-being as well as some fun facts tips and tasting notes on a featured wine followed by a guided relaxation to help you release stress. We explore topics like meditation, breath-work, ayurveda, nutrition, mindfulness, yoga, sleep, self-care, managing emotions, self compassion, self awareness, work-life balance, stress-relief and stress management techniques as well as wines, wine tastings and wine and food pairings. Episodes are short, sweet, fun, tasty and relaxing.
Chakras & Chardonnay
Ep. 17: Chakra & Wine Pairings Part 2: Power & Heart Centers
Episode 17: Chakra & Wine Pairings Part 2: Power & Heart Centers
In this episode of Chakras & Chardonnay, Maria helps us explore the basics of the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras. She offers tips for optimizing the energy in these chakras and offers her favorite wine pairing for each. If you are new to the Chakras this is a great episode to follow up on Episode 1 of this season and Episode 11 where she takes you through the root and sacral chakras.
Stay tuned till the end when Maria guides you through a short relaxation practice focusing on opening up our power and heart centers and tapping into self-acceptance and compassion.
Featured today on Chakras & Chardonnay:
Ted Talk from Amy Cuddy on Body Language & Power: https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_may_shape_who_you_are?language=en
Download the Wine & Chakras Pairing Guide
Explore Take 5 Membership Options: https://studio.take5.health/ and book your mindful tasting experience here.
Learn more about Maria and her work at Take5.Health and subscribe to receive tips and free Guided Meditations each Wednesday. Connect with Maria on social: